Diversity Enterprises

Diversity Enterprises

Influencing Attitudes and Behaviors While Protecting The Bottom Line

Executive Diversity Coaching:

With this service, our cultural diversity trainers work with the executives of the company on a one-on-one basis, ensuring that they are trained to supervise the diversity training as well as prepared to handle any diversity-related issues that may arise in the future. 

The trainer and the executive meet to discuss the current challenges in the workplace and response planning. The trainer meets with the executive early in the process and interviews then on their perspectives on diversity in their workplace. This provides the executive the opportunity and time to express his or her perspective on the current situation. The trainer and the executive then identify initial desired outcomes. Diversity Enterprises collect background information, and recommends the next steps that are necessary to build a diverse high quality workforce.

Executive diversity coaching gives these leaders the confidence to be more effective, to track important issues and to address difficult emotional issues – both their own and those of their coworkers.

Strategic Planning:

Diversity Enterprises researches your company’s business goals and then links diversity to the bottom line. We work with executives, line managers, supervisors, corporate officers, diversity leaders, diversity councils, internal diversity action teams, and human resources departments, in order to assist in creating a strategic diversity plan ready for implementation.

Diversity Maintenance:

We consult with the management about events and crises, such as mergers, acquisitions, lawsuits or product launches and steer then toward a diversity perspective of the events or crises.

ADR Mediation:

Alternative Dispute Resolution/Mediation Services

Our professionals are trained in conflict resolution and other similar techniques and skills to help individuals reach an agreement on a disputed matter. Our mediators can assist in resolving disputes by guiding individuals throughout the resolution process by offering each side flexible solutions that are aimed to result in a favorable resolution for both parties.

Our mediation services is a great option for most cases because it allows the cases to be resolved without either party getting involved with lawyers and going to trial. Once problems and issues have been identified, our mediators will generate multiple solutions and options that are favorable and satisfactory to both parties. Through mediation, both parties have input and work in unison with the mediator to arrive at an amenable resolution.

At Diversity Enterprises, our mediators will work closely with both parties to understand each side’s needs and concerns.

On-Going Support

Our team will continue to communicate with you to provide on-going support by continuing to monitor and assist in solving issues found in the workforce. Our team will identify existing problems or patterns found in the Cultural Diversity Audit and formulate an action plan that can prevent the problem from leading to litigation.

Diverse Recruiting Consultation:

We consult with human resource managers to educate and facilitate effective diverse recruiting methods and procedures.

Mentoring Program Consultation:

We consult with the company on the programs that would be the most effective for their specific issues if the company does not already have mentoring programs in place. With the companies that already have programs in place, we consult on ways to modernize them to reflect the optimal diverse workplace culture of that time. 

New Diversity Initiatives Consultation:

This service is for companies with progressive diversity initiatives. With this service, we determine which initiatives create barriers and which create advantages and then facilitate the creation of new initiatives while training employees on the new initiatives and educating them about the new culture.

Diversity Council Creation:

We assist the company in diversity council start-up from mission and roles to creation of a 2-year strategic plan.